Loved the cars tho
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I have searched EVERYWHERE for any info on if there will be a sequel to the Host but I can't find any recent information. I want to contact Stephanie Meyers to ask her but I can't an email or anything. Anyways if you have any information regarding any sequels please share!:)
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I haven't seen the movie, but I've read the book too many times to count, and this is the first time I've done any research on what the characters look like on the big screen. Kyle's hair is wrong, Pet/Wanda's hair is wrong, and I can't even find a picture of Jodi/Sunlight Passing Through Ice... I was so excited when I first started doing research on the movie so I could watch it, but now I'm not so sure I could get through it.
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I just started the Host and am in LOVE with it!!!!! Im on page 310!!!!
In the book it says when Wanda goes into Pet's former body, it's her first transfer into the same species. Thus, Pet's body must be human. However, the body is silvery, very petite, and not very human-looking. More like a Night Flower. But then the body would stick out among humans. The whole point of taking a human body, I thought, was too fit in. So I'm very very confused. How can Wanda pass as human if she looks like a Night Flower? Please let me know--my teenage daughter and I argue about this every time we re-read the book. :-)
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The souls reproduce by a female splitting into about a million "children". Since Wanda reacts very strongly by seeing a few dead souls and hates the idea of dead soul children, we must assume all of these 1 000 000 survive. But then:
1. Since these children all survive, and a soul cannot survive for long without a host body, there must be a million host bodies available at the time for reproduction, and souls along to carry on a million implantations, or possibly putting into cryotanks. How is this achieved?
2. Even if only 1/10000 of all the new "children" are females (the other being sterile "workers), this gives about 100 new females. This means that the soul population increases by at least a factor 100 for each generation. But then, it would just take about 30 generations for the souls to outnumber the elementary particles in the known Universe. How can that be?
Do the souls have access to faster than light travel and communication? I don't think so, since it takes many decades or centuries for the souls to travel from one planet to another. When discussing where to send the seeker, Wanda dissuades against sending her to the seaweed planet, which is located in the closest stellar system, and it takes only a decade to go there and back. This fits our closest star, Alpha Centauri, which is 4.3 light years away, assuming that they travel near, but not faster than light. Also, since Wanda talks about going there and back, it seems that they don't have faster than light communication either, because then, it would take less than a decade for the souls on the Earth to receive the information that the seeker was extracted from her host and sent away.
On the other hand, it seems that Wanda has information about the current status of the other planets, in particular the recently colonized dolphin planet, not the status decades or centuries ago, and likewise for souls on other planets. Otherwise, since the colonization of the Earth begun just about a decade ago or so, the souls on most of the other planets can't know that the Earth has been colonized.
In particular, Wanda, while still on the seaweed planet, heard rumors about souls which had difficulties to control their hosts on the Earth. If the souls have no faster than light communication and travel, this must have happened in the very beginning of the colonization of the Earth, since otherwise, there was not time enough for this information to reach the seaweed planet and then for Wanda to go to the Earth. But it seems unlikely that this should have happened and the information about it being spread in the beginning of the colonization.
So, it doesn't seem to add up...
I have made it sure that to edit, that you must be a regristeded user on wikia to edit on here. Due to security issues that others wikia's are experiencing. So I am sorry about this, but I was doing what is deemed the safer option.
Can we talk about how ridiculous it is that the Souls took over the Earth without major bloodshed?
I realize the whole Invasion of the Bodysnatchers thing is outlandish and this is sci-fi yadda yadda, but all of that aside, I find it really hard to believe not a single world leader with a big red nuclear button (US, Russia, UK, France, Israel, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, plus NATO nuke sharing states Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey) caught wind of the invasion before the Souls had taken over enough of the military personel manning the silos, subs, and satellite command centers of all of those nations to stop the use of nuclear armageddon to prevent alien armageddon. I mean, it's implied that the Souls either swooped in an took humanity all in one big gulp or did it slowly over time, infecting more and more humans as time went on, right? They MUST have either waged a very bloody war against resistance fighters in the vast, unoccupiable wildernesses like the western United States, Siberia, and Amazon Rainforest, OR killed enough humans (in the hundreds of millions or possibly billions range) quickly enough to shock-and-awe Earth into surrender (a la the Combine from Half-Life).
So I have made three pages into a tabview, here is the proof below:
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So what do you think?
So wikia has just released some information, about wiki and what to expect in the weeks ahead about the layout of the wiki, it will be on this wiki from The fourth of December which is tomorrow. So be aware.
To read what are the changes please go the the link below and comment there and here about it.
Fluid Layout Is Coming Soon To All Communities On December Fourth
Plus what do you think, do you think it would improve it?
The movie was good, not quite what the book was but a great movie none the less. I think we could all be happy with the ending of this movie, it leaves you at a good point with a sense of hope, and we all ask ourselves, do we want another?
Will it be one of those sequels that should have just been left alone where it was at. At first that was my view point, Until I started thinking. What if she wrote a prequel to be made into the next movie.
All about the original invasion, how it took place, how they got here, the fight that must have ensued for it to be where the present movie and book is. They are souls so they had to have come to earth as another species before inhabiting us.
There is also the interest in wanderer's previous lives lived on other planets. Just some ideas, What do you guys think? Would it be better to pick up where we left off, or to know all the details and history we are all left wondering about, at least I was...
I don't know if this has been talked about before but I haven't seen anything, so what do all of you say, good idea? or not?
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The main reason I want anon’s become an member on here so that we can track down who is editing instead of tracking down a number for an IP address and it is so confusing don’t you think. Plus those sneaky anon’s like to make a muck on the wiki and create a hole amount of mess for us to clean up, some of us are getting tired of it. Like I know a few of you’s are getting annoyed with all them treating the wiki like a waste dump. So I propose anon’s become member of the wiki and that is my point of view and my ruling. What are your thoughts and ruling.
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they have a very strong relationship in the end, but at first they hated each other. Mealanie had a very good reason to hate Wanda through the whole movie and book, but she accepted Wanda and in the end really wanted Wanda to stay, just like Ian.
kyle always should have enjoyed Wanda's appearance, I think Wanda should of gotten a taller and more active host. Sharon and Maggie also should have exepted what came to them, I think Jared had a exscuse, Ian caught along pretty fast and I'll accept that, brandt and aron had NO excuse what so ever, the should of had more respect for Wanda I will say that. Wanda and Melanie are fine