Wikia Maps Activiation on The a host Wiki
So I was going through the wiki features and I found that Wikia Maps is a new feature on here. So for a month we are going to trail it. Have fun.
So I have made a page for those Affliates of The Host Series and I would like to have your help to find more affliates of the franchise.
If you want to be the boss of finding those please contact me via my (Big Brother 99) wall.
Thanks for your co-operation!
Deleted Fanon
I have deleted the fanmade Portal due to people weren't using it, but if you want to make your own, please do so in a blog so that that it doesn't get confusing.
If you have any problems with it. Please message me on my message wall.
Thanks guys!!
The most beautiful kiss I have seen
Hi Guys :)
This is my list the most beautiful kiss I have seen on the movies :) OMG they's love is amazing :***
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
Fanon character - (My One)
- 1 Cassia Hollands
- 1.1 Early Life and During the Invasion
- 1.2 The Runaway and the new Home
- 1.3 Love Story with Darren and Life with Highdare
Before the invasion, Clarissa Holland was a Medicine University Student, year II. She lived with her grandparents after her parents died in a car accident when she was 15.
She is a short-tempered and easy-annoyed person however she can be calm. Cassia is understanding, smart, powerful and a person who doesn't give up
After the death of her parents, the invasion started. Her town, Chicago, was on the list of the targets for first collonization wave. She changed her name from Clarissa Holland to Cassia Hollands for protection. Her half-siblings and grandparents were captured.
She went away from the town as in few w…
The Twilight Saga and The Host
I hate Twilight Saga - Stephenie Meyer's books. Perfect "vampire" Edward Cullen and his "love of the life" Bella Swan are very "sweet". Ugh XD. IN MY OPINION. But The Host is my one favorite book this writerss :) I very like Wanderer/Wanda and Ian O'Shea :*** Saoirse Ronan/Emily Browning and Jake Abel are good actors :) The movie is no perfectly but, I like him :)
Forums Have Been Reactivated
The forums have indeed been reactivated and everyone who voted for this can pat themselves on the back! They can be accessed from the "On the Wiki" panel in the toolbar at the top of pages that are being displayed.
I am here to tell you, that I will be going through the videos and pictures, so that I can purge it this wiki of non-related videos or pictures.
So I will give you a few reason why:
- They are not related to the series
- They take up space
- They need to be off the wiki and transferred to a relevent on
- User's who upload exessive amounts of pictures will be blocked for one day and it goes with the videos.
If you try to reason with me, I will be linent to you to keep those on your user page, but other then that, I will be deleteing them anyway, to make room for the DVD/Blue Ray pictures. Plus here is some pointers to look out for:
- You must contact me or one of the other admins
- You must speak to us in a formal way, if not you will face a block of 2 days
- If…
Thanks !
Hi , I would like to thank VampiresAndWerewolfsareAwesomeAsHell23 for adopting the wiki,. ive stayed here for a few weeks to when i still hasn't been adopted it ,. the place was such a mess and as for me who lack knowledge about The Host i left the wiki , i had nothing much to do here ,. so i was really glad when you adopted the wiki.
Again i wanna say thank you ! :)
In the past few days, I have been alone on here, doing edits and making templates, but it seems like no body like me on here, where has my admins gone to?
If you have any questions in how I made them, just go to my message wall and text me there. I get back to you as soon as possible.
Quiz (Shortened and edited)
This is almost the same quiz that I posted before. I've just shotened and edited it a bit.
- 1 1. Who died in the movie during Raiding?
- 2 2. What is the name of the husband of Wanderer's Comforter in the book?
- 3 3. Who is it?
- 4 4. 'Is she still in there with you?' - Who said this?
- 5 5. What is the name of the Healer who healed Wanderer's self created injuries in the movie?
- 6 Pictures for the Options
- 7 Pictures for the Cover
a) Kyle
b) Brandt
c) Wes
d) Wanderer's Seeker
a) Cart
b) Kurt
c) Curt
d) Kart
a) Wanderer's Seeker
b) Fords Deep Waters
c) Wanderer
d) Petals Open to the Moon
a) Jared
b) Jamie
c) Ian
d) Jeb
a) Healer Knits Fire
b) Healer Summer Song
c) Healer Fords Deep Waters
d) Healer Skye
HaPpY bIrTh DaY !!!
At last the day has come ! Today is the birth day of The Host Wiki and it is 4 years old now. This wiki was created by Alice123456789 at 06:49, April 29, 2009.
I am only 1 month and 9 days old on this wiki ( joined on 20 March, 2013) and I am actually still an infant now ! I am trying my best to not show my immaturity but I've failed sometimes. I was really upset when I saw the condition of this wiki at first. But now, I am glad that it has got some responsible shoulders to take care of it.
I don't know my knowledge about editing is enough or not, I just know that I can try to use it enough at least . I don't think that I am much talented or experienced on many wikis but I only can trust on my labour and will for helping a wiki. And I reall…
The Host Quizzz !!!
I like The Host (the book and the movie both) and I was thinking of making a quiz about them. So, I've tried to make it. I don't know how it is, but I hope you'll like it. I'll give the answers later if you like it.
- 1 1. When did Wanda smile at Ian for the first time in the film?
- 2 2. Look at the picture of the soul -
- 3 Who is it?
- 4 3. 'Is she still in there with you?' - Who said this?
- 5 4. Who died in the movie during Raiding?
- 6 5. Who was the husband of Wanda's Comforter in the book?
- 7 6. ' But it's barbaric ! ' - Who said this?
- 8 7. What do you think of this picture?
- 9 8. Who had a skin cancer?
- 10 9. Who healed Wanda's self created injuries in the movie?
- 11 10. What is the colour of water in the planet where See Weeds live?
a) When Ian saved her from Jared
b) …
The Host - Stephenie Meyer
Stephenie Meyer was driving through the desert that stretches from Phoenix to Salt Lake City when she came up with the idea for her best-selling novel, The Host. Meyer, whose record-breaking Twilight series was just becoming a worldwide phenomenon, passed the long hours by telling herself stories. “I came on the idea of two personalities in one body,” she says. “They are both in love with different people, which creates a great deal of conflict. I like messy relationships. They’re fun to work through.”
The popular author also enjoys exploring the idea of love, but in this case, not just romantic love. “There’s maternal love, which is such a big part of my life,” says Meyer. “There’s love of community and the people you belong with. I asked …
Box Office
The Host has officially exceeded its $40 million budget at the box office! This is thanks to the international portion of the box office which now sits at $21,600,000. The total box office for US and international is now $41,971,752.
Thanks to Russia, Australia, Brazil, Spain, and the U.K. who have the highest international box office numbers.
Source: Box Office Mojo The Host Movie News
Top 10 Lists
Here are the links of some Top 10 Lists :
Top 10 Good Characters
Top 10 Reasons of Why Doc falls in Love with Sharon
Top 10 Reasons of Why Ian is Better than Jared
Top 10 Quotes of The Host !
Top 10 Punishments for Kyle
Team Ian
When I first read the book The Host I couldn't help but wonder how can a person love someone this much ! No, I'm not talking about Melanie or Jared , I'm talking about Ian .
He doesn't only love Wanderer despite knowing that she's of another species, but also keeps loving her the same even after she is removed from Melanie's body ! He doesn't care what body she'll get, he just wants to keep her around. Those who believes that love is all about beauty or one has to have an attractive human body in order to be loved ; their conception will probabely change if they understand and feel the character Ian.
At first I was very irritated with his cruel behavior towards such a good person like Wanda. But when I saw him feeling guilty for doing that, I…
Relationship Guide Picture, with links and clicks
I have tried ages to get this right, to see how a staff member of Wikia did it, but I finally know how to do it. Yes, yes, yes, Finally.
One Critic Gives You Five Reasons to See ‘The Host’
One of the few critics out there that gave The Host a positive review is Nancy Churnin of The Dallas Morning News. Nancy wrote a follow up to her review after the un-impressive performance of the film at the box office. She calls it “Five Reasons You Must See The Host.” You can find the full article here (source). (I would just like to say that I really like this woman!)
“1. Know anyone who has ever been bullied for being different? Are you sick of the us vs. them mentality? In a world that too often pits one group against another, The Host is all about empathy, making its lead character a likeable alien in a human body after an alien invasion of the earth.
2. Are you tired of stereotypes of girls clawing each other over some guy? …
The Host Review Roundup
The battle for earth is over. The fight has just begun. This compelling movie comes from the same author that wrote the Twilight Series. Once again we have a group of young adults in the midst of a world wide struggle, and in the middle of it all: a maddening love triangle. Help yourself to a look at the movie trailer, and don't forget to participate in the polls below.
No two ways about it, Critics did not like this movie. And yet! ...Audiences seem interested in seeing it. Take a look at what the critics thought, add your own two cents, and don't forget to vote in the polls.
None, to my knowledge
Scott Foundas - Variety
No Stars Given
Excerpt: This extravagantly silly but undeniably entertaining sci-fi soap opera — the latest adapted from the…
The Host Wiki Blog
This wiki, is starting to pick up the anty for those who love The Host, and the author who wrote The Twilight Saga. But now the movie adaption of the novel The Host is coming out today in some parts of the world but tomorrow is others. I am here to explain that there will be new ownership of this wiki soon, and I am in the process of adopting it and here is my explaination.
- 1 My reasons
- 1.1 Reason One
- 1.2 Reason two
- 1.3 Reason three
- 2 Admin Rights
- 2.1 Rules
- 2.2 Standards
- 3 Thanks
- 3.1 Gallery
- 3.2 Movie Questions
- 3.3 My responses
The first reason that I am adopting this wiki, is that the original founder has not yet made an edit in over four years and it is about time for a new owner to step in and make the wiki as sucessful as the Twilight one has and make admins…
Which character are You? (female)
I often think that if it's possible for anyone to be like Wanda..... She is so good that it's really hard to find someone like her in today's world. At the same time I also wonder if anyone is like the Seeker or Sharon or even Melanie.....
Here are a few questions which may help you to find out that character you resemble..............
1. When you see a building is burning and a baby boy is trapped there, you will -
a) save him if you're related with him
b) ask others if they have informed the fire brigade, if not then you'll inform them
c) save him, no matter whether you even know him or not
d) not do anything and walk away
2. Suppose you're a doctor and your senior doctor asks you to abort someone's child illegally, you will -
a) do …
The movie is out soon
The movie is out and who is ready to see the movie? I am and it will be better then the trailers are.
The Host Relationships Guide
The Host movie is finally getting released and we only have to wait ONE more month! If you are interested in the movie but haven't read the book (or don't remember much of it), here is a quick breakdown of the relationships before you watch it in theatres!
Click on any of the characters for more information about his or her role, personality, and more!
Who Will Take Charge?
(Update: Vampiresandwerewolvesareawesomeashell23 has taken over this wiki's bureaucracy in early 2013.) Hi all. As you have probably realised The Host Wiki has went through a phase of "editing droughts", but with the movie's realise upcoming, interest in (and editing on) the wiki is going up.
As any wiki needs administrators to be saved from trolling, duplicate pages and general anarchy and chaos, I think it's time somebody took charge and adopted the wiki (my apologies if there are any existing administrators left). So do I have any volunteers?
The Host Movie
So, The Host is almost out and from the trailers, it looks awesome and cool and it reminds me of all the things that did happen in the book. I am so excited to see it, for the fact that it is coming out in March 29th next year, it is making the wait more worse.
I am looking forward to Melanie Stryder and Jared Howe's relationship and The Seeker's chase to find more humans to put Soul's in them. I am so excited for this movie to come out. I am am speechless.
Greetings, I am Chakrasandwich and I am a very frequent contributor to Avatar wikia, and would like to be on this wikia. I have a few questions about this wikia(as well as just plain questions) about things that I have noticed(or haven't noticed) and that I think, if not taken care of, should be changed. And you might think I'm a bit harsh about these things, but truly I only wish for the best :)
1. I have noticed that most images do not have licensing, and that some images are even fan made(so not canon). Are there rules on images? If not, then there should be because wikias are like encyclopedias and all information should be canon (meaning from official sources) and images should always state their sources due to copyrights. Which also m…
Cast Announced for 2013 Host Film
Recently, the cast members for The Host have been announced. It seems that Saoirse Ronan will be playing Melanie Stryder. You probably know her best as Briony from Atonement, or Susie Salmon from The Lovely Bones. She also played Hanna in the film by the same name. Alongside her, Max Irons will play Jared Howe.
Her younger brother Jamie Stryder will be played by Chandler Canterbury, who is known for playing eight-year-old Benjamin Button in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. For the rest of the cast for The Host, go to the film page here.