- Aaron
- Administration Meetings
- Affiliates
- Agung Bagus
- Agung Gede
- Andy
- Archive Talk Page Stuff
- Bats
- Bears
- Big Brother 99
- Boyd Holbrook
- Bradley Steven Perry
- Brandt
- Burns Living Flowers
- Calling
- Candy
- Carol
- Cave chores
- Caves
- Cerulean
- Chandler Canterbury
- Chicago
- Claw Beasts
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- Cryotank
- Curt
- Darren
- Diane Kruger
- Doc
- Dolphins
- Dragon Planet
- Dragons
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- Earthborn
- Emily Browning
- Extraction
- Faces Sunward
- Fanfictions
- Fanon Characters
- Fanon Stars
- Fire-Tasters
- Fire World
- Flame Tender
- Flowers
- Fords Deep Waters
- Frances Fisher
- Freedom
- Gallery: Boyd Holbrook
- Gallery: Chandler Canterbury
- Gallery: Diane Kruger
- Gallery: Emily Browning
- Gallery: Ian O'shea
- Gallery: Jake Abel
- Gallery: Jamie Stryder
- Gallery: Kyle O'Shea
- Gallery: Melanie Stryder
- Gallery: Melanie and Jared
- Gallery: Saoirse Ronan
- Gallery: The Host
- Gallery: Wanderer
- Gallery: Wanderer and Ian
- General Information
- Geoffrey
- Glass Spires
- Glitter Weaver
- Guy Stryder
- Hank
- Harness Light
- Healer
- Healer's assistant
- Heath
- Heidi
- Host (biology)
- Host Body
- Hosts
- Humans
- Humans By Tatiana Roa
- Ian O'Shea
- Ian O'Shea/Gallery
- Imagine Dragons
- Isaiah
- Jake Abel
- Jamie Stryder
- Jared Howe
- Jared Howe/Gallery
- Jeb Stryder
- Jeb Stryder/Film Adaption
- Jeb Stryder/Physical Appearance
- Jeb Stryder/Summary
- Jessica
- Jodi
- John
- Kathy
- Knits Fire
- Kyle O'Shea
- Lacey
- Lily
- Linda Stryder
- Lucina
- Maggie
- Marcus Lyle Brown
- Mark Cotta Vaz
- Max Irons/Gallery
- Max Irons (Main)
- Max Irons (Summary)
- Max Irons Notes
- Max Irons Trivia
- Melanie Stryder
- Melanie Stryder/Biography
- Melanie Stryder/Film Adaption
- Melanie Stryder/Personality
- Melanie Stryder/Physical Appearance
- Melanie Stryder/Summary
- Miscellaneous Characters
- Miscellaneous Worlds
- Mists Planet
- News for The Host
- Notable Users
- Paige
- Petals Open to the Moon
- Planet of the Flowers
- Poll Archive
- Racing Song
- Raeden Greer
- Raid
- Reid
- Robert
- Ruth Ann
- Saoirse Ronan
- Scott Lawrence
- See Weeds
- Sequels of The Host
- Sharon
- Singing World
- Soul Tecnology And Medicine
- Souls
- Souls/Calling
- Souls/Culture
- Souls/Gallery
- Souls/Habitat
- Souls/History
- Souls/Hosts and Technology
- Souls/Insertion and Habitat
- Souls/Notable Seekers
- Souls/Notable Souls
- Souls/Notes
- Souls/Physical
- Souls/Seekers
- Souls/Summary
- Souls/Technology
- Souls/The Meaning
- Souls/Trivia
- Spiders
- Spiraling Upward Harmony
- Stanley
- Star1
- Stephenie Meyer
- Storyteller
- Summer
- Summer Song
- Sunlight Passing Through the Ice
- Teaching
- The Characters
- The Host
- The Host (Movie Companion)
- The Host (Review Page)
- The Host (film)
- The Host (film)/Behind The Scenes
- The Host (film)/Gallery
- The Host (film)/Links
- The Host (film)/Notes and Trivia
- The Host (film)/Plot
- The Host (film)/Summary
- The Host (film)/User and Admins Points of View
- The Host (film) Gallary
- The Host Community Q&A
- The Host Extra
- The Host Movie Soundtrack
- The Host News
- The Host Playlist
- The Host Quiz
- The Host Sound Track
- The Host Wiki
- The Host best Bits
- The Human Resistance
- The Interspecies Family
- The Origin
- The Seeker
- The Seeker (book)
- The Soul
- Travis
- Trev Stryder
- Trudy
- Tucson
- Violetta
- Vultures
- Walking Flowers
- Walter
- Wanderer
- Wanderer/Appearance
- Wanderer/Biography
- Wanderer/Physical and Personality
- Wanderer/Relationships
- Wanderer/Summary
- Welcome
- Wes
- William Hurt